Last night Denise and I presented the Raw Living Snacks Seminar at Amoskeag Chiropractic in Manchester, NH, to rave reviews (especially the Cheesy Kale Chips), with the exception that the first batch of Cauliflower Popcorn was a little too hot for about half the audience of 50 people. There’s good reason for this! The recipe calls for cayenne pepper, but instead of 1 t (teaspoon), the sheet of notes and recipes we handed out says T (tablespoon). Whoa! Here’s the correct recipe:
Cauliflower Popcorn
- 1 head cauliflower, florets only (can process in a food processor)
- Sea salt (to taste)
- 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
- 1 teaspoon (or less!) cayenne pepper*
- 1 tablespoon paprika*
- 1 teaspoon black pepper*
*OPTIONAL. Or, use Zesty Sea Shakes instead. Shake up the seasonings (all dry ingredients) in a zip lock bag. Add the processed cauliflower and shake until coated.
I think people were relieved when the second batch was nice and mild. Ending with the oh-so-popular Cheesy Kale Chips didn’t hurt either!
Another recipe note from last night is regarding the Zucchini Hummus. The recipe calls for 2 1/2 teaspoons of sea salt, but I find that’s a little too salty for me. I start with 1 1/2 teaspoons and then add more if needed.
Zucchini Hummus
- 2 zucchini, peeled and chopped
- 3/4 cup raw tahini
- 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 clove garlic, peeled
- 1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt (more if needed)
- 1/2 tablespoon ground cumin
- dash of paprika (for garnish)
Blend all ingredients until creamy. Serve with veggie sticks… Or onion bread, yum!
The third recipe we shared was for the Cheesy Kale Chips, which you can find in the post dated December 2, 2010. This is by far my favorite raw snack, Denise’s too, and it’s so HEALTHY! You literally can eat an entire batch in one sitting and feel great about it.
The truth is, we all love to snack. For many of us, it’s our downfall when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle… Especially through the holidays with parties and family gatherings galore. If you find a healthy, raw snack you love, chances are the people you love will love it too. Bring it with you to share! Make the transition into 2011 a smooth one without the needless holiday snacking guilt. Who has time for guilt anyway? I’d like my New Year’s resolution to be something like “take 15 minutes every day to sit quietly and contemplate”, instead of “lose the 5, 10, 15 pounds I’ve gained since last year.” I firmly believe resolutions should not be a chore (because they won’t last if they are), and should be something that adds quality to life in a way that’s enjoyable and maintainable.
Our next seminar is Wednesday, January 26th from 6:30-7:30 at Amoskeag Chiropractic, and is dedicated to the almighty COCONUT! I was talking with my mom the other day and she commented that she thinks coconut oil is over-touted as this great thing, like soy was in the 90’s, and that she’s not so sure it really is the cure-all that so many (including Dr. Mercola) claim it to be. The fundamental difference between coconut oil and other “healthy” items like soy, is that there are indigenous cultures who have for centuries, and still do now, use the coconut daily for all sorts of things. Soy, which primarily originates from Asian populations, was always used very sparingly. We’ve completely bastardized soy into products that truly are not healthy, and as a population consume far more soy than should ever be consumed. And let’s not forget: somewhere in the realm of 90% of all soy in the United States is GENETICALLY MODIFIED! Just saying. Denise and I will address all of this and more at the seminar in January. Contact Amoskeag Chiropractic to reserve your place, as seating is limited! 603-624-8000.
A special offer from Amoskeag Chiropractic, which they announced last night at the seminar, is that next Wednesday they are holding a Customer Appreciation day. this includes potential future customers as well! If you are not currently seeing a chiropractor, or think you might like to change practices, they are providing the initial exam (and films if needed) for FREE. They only have 10 spaces left on that day for initial examinations, so call them and schedule yours right away. Talk about the perfect gift to yourself (and your whole family!) for the holidays.