Monday, December 27, 2010

Craving Some Light

Not sure about all of you, but after several days of holiday dining my body is craving light, fresh foods like nobody’s business! Not that I haven’t enjoyed our family traditional fare like Great Grama Anderson’s chocolate peppermint crème cookies… Maybe a little too much, but not enough to start making resolutions about it. Especially with all of the snow and cold in the northeast this Christmas (currently still stranded in North Carolina with the cookies close at hand), it’s been a treat for my taste buds to succumb to the delights of this season.


Hendersonville, NC. 8 inches of snow Christmas day. Photo is of what is normally the road running by the pond. As you can see; no road.

That said! One of our raw food students described to me and Denise at our last seminar a deliciously fresh-sounding salad that would make my cells very happy right now. Quick, easy, and very tasty, here it is…

Snap Pea and Cucumber Salad
- 1 pound sugar snap peas, trimmed
- 2 small cucumbers unpeeled and thinly sliced
- 1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes cut in half
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh dill

- 2 T fresh lemon juice
- 2T extra virgin olive oil
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- salt and pepper

Mix the dressing ingredients and toss veggies with dressing to coat.

This time of year is also about family for many of us, and this is certainly true for me. Traditionally, I travel home to Vermont to celebrate with my parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and siblings. Over the years however, we’ve spread far and wide, and this year we are particularly scattered around the globe: Turkey, China, New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, Sweden, Florida, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Vermont. Although not quite the same, we connected by phone, email, instant message, and Skype. Gotta love Skype! Connecting with loved ones helps bring light to this dark time of year, and this year was no exception.

To all of you celebrating near of far from those you love, may you find some light in your heart as we turn the calendar on another year and the days begin to grow longer again.


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